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Registration - user data didn't get copied to wp_users table (1 post)

  1. oldskool9
    Posted 15 years ago #


    I'm a bit concerned yet a bit puzzled.

    I had a registration today which hasn't gone through correctly. The user signed up and choose to register a blog too.

    The user registration was recorded in the registration log table and the wp_signup table.

    The signup table has recorded that the user has activated the account. The blog tables were created and the blog exists.

    What went wrong was, the user details did not get created in the wp_users table. So that person cannot login and the blog doesn't work.

    I'm baffled, has anyone found this before?

    I've tried a test sign up and my test works.

    I'm used 2.7 WPMU + BuddyPress + WP Super Cache.

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by oldskool9