I have a content submission blog running on wordpress 2.7. The reason I didn't use wpmu from the first is there're plugins yet not compatible with wpmu 2.7
I'd also like to have a community, so I'm thinking to use buddypress.
What I'm dreaming here, is my buddypress users can also login to another wordpress installation, hopefully with cookie support, so users kept logged in among different wordpress installations.
The buddypress site will be on example.com (parent)
and other sites are (children) site1.example.net, site2.example.net
Whoever logged in to example.com can use children sites, using wp_users from the parent.
I really don't mind paying this, but either I post this on some coder site or not, I thought I should know the proper method in order to outsource effectively.
So, do you think is this possible?