Hi guys, this a really stupid question but i can't go out.
I have a main blog, and some sub blogs, as usual.
I want to put a link in every sub blog menu, that links back to the homepage of the main blog. What's that link?
Hi guys, this a really stupid question but i can't go out.
I have a main blog, and some sub blogs, as usual.
I want to put a link in every sub blog menu, that links back to the homepage of the main blog. What's that link?
The main blog URL? yourdomain.com.
Or do you mean the code to generate it?
Actually, it's URL to your homepage :) Or what is that you wanted to know?
yes Andrea, i mean that code, cause i'm creating a theme and it will be used from different users and websites. I've also installed buddypress so i've tried echoing $bp->root_domain; but it does not work for me
Seen worse, trust me. :)
What we do on our installs is either edit the meta widget in wp-includes/widgets.php from the wp.org link to the site's main address or hook into wp_footer() like so:
function footer_insert() {
$code = '
<div align="center"><a href="http://mywpmuinstall.tld/" target="_blank">Hosted by mywpmuinstall</a></div>
echo $code;
add_action("wp_footer", "footer_insert");
We just hard code the link as such and install it as a mu-plugin.
And my menu could you please clarify? I use it to refer to the nav bar made with pages, but some people use it to refer to sidebars.
I refer to the nav bar in the header.php file. I need to create a link that always leads to the main blog homepage, from all the sub blogs. Thanx!
hi, some news about this? i hate to be boring, i'm really blocked from this little problem. thnx!
Well you could simply hard code it into the sidebars on each theme
i can't Steve. I distribuite free themes, and so every user will got his own url, i could ask everyone to hardcore his url but this could be a problem, you know.
however i'm talking about the header nav and not the sidebar. tnx