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Cookies And Domain Mapping Plugin Redirect Login.php (4 posts)

  1. johanhorak
    Posted 15 years ago #


    Hope you are well.

    I have created a blog on my mu install (a few actually) where I use the domain mapping plugin. I have noticed before that I get redirected to login.php For example:

    I would go to Dashboard>Edit>Post and as soon as I click on the edit link for a specific post to edit I get redirected to login.php.

    BTW: Recently I got educated on cookies while installing bbpress and buddypress.

    I checked the cookies and saw that there were two;

    one for (the underlying blog)

    and one for the mapped domain

    I then deleted the cookies and removed the mapped domain.

    As soon as that was done I had one cookie and was not redirected to login.php when I tried to edit a post.

    Is there anything I can do about this double cookie?


  2. takuya
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I just installed and face similar problem.

    It seems bbPress integration to wpmu and BuddyPress causes cookie error, that I can't login to my domain mapped blog.

    If anyone knows this cookie solution, please help us!

  3. takuya
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I solved mine, but not sure about the original post.

  4. johnnytee
    Posted 15 years ago #

    @takuya Can you post your resolution?

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by johanhorak
  • Latest reply from johnnytee