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Install trouble - Getting Redirect Loop wp-signup.php? (22 posts)

  1. edogg
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I've been trying to get this install in all day and have read all the threads on topics like this, but nothing has worked.

    Here's what I did:

    • Uploaded WPMU to root dir of server
    • Created database/user
    • Thought I was supposed to upload customized wp-config.php like regular WP
    • Realized my mistake, deleted wp-config.php, htaccess.dist and uploaded a fresh wp-config-sample.php
    • Got to install page, completed the form with server info, selected no sub-domains
    • Install didn't work and goes into Redirect Loop with the following url in my address bar:

    I have tried deleting cookies, the wp-config.php hack, deleting and recreating the database/user, reinstalling WPMU, etc.

    Also, I notice in phpmysql that there were two databases created:

    * information_schema (17)

    Where "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" is my database name (note the "(0)" as in zero tables created on that database and there are 17 tables in "information_schema"............

    I have no idea what "information_schema" is and can't seem to get the WPMU install to create the tables (wp_blogs, wp_users, wp_site, etc). None of them appear anywhere.

    Trying to install a fresh 2.7 WPMU
    phpMyAdmin -
    MySQL client version: 5.0.22
    Hsphere control panel

    I didn't do the wildcard setup. I have read the eBook about 15 times.

    Any ideas?

    Many thanks,


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    "information_schema" isn't used by WPMU, it's put there by your webhost to keep track of other things.

    So basically it's dying on the db table creation. Does your DB user have ALL access to the wpmu_db?

  3. DDT
    Posted 15 years ago #

    @edogg, did you find a solution? i am getting the same error msg redirect loop.

  4. glittereyes
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hi, I get this error message too when I go to wp-admin. When I go to my it redirects to

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

  5. arutanu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I am getting the same problem ... Installed WPMU succesfully ... 17 tables created in my DB ... Got my admin username & password. But when I try to login does not work.

    Also, when I browse to installed folder / webaddress of my site it gets into infinite loop.

    Did anyone solved this issue ???

  6. wpmuguru
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Are you using www in the domain name?

  7. therawdata
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Having the same issue myself. Is it because my host ( switched my wildcard DNS setting for me so the subdomains could be created?

    Copy 360 Games

  8. therawdata
    Posted 15 years ago #

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    You're installing in a subfolder as an add-on domain, correct?

  10. therawdata
    Posted 15 years ago #


  11. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Did you do this?

    And are you on godaddy, 1and1 or hostgator?

  12. therawdata
    Posted 15 years ago #

    No I didn't and no, no, and no I'm not with any of those.

    But for your list of three, here is mine. = Was working until I asked a question, then the changed the rules = No way, changed it a few months ago

    Zensix - Not having it

    But here who is

    It was 3.95 a month and I got a free domain.

    The only catch? Only one domain name per account, unlimited Mu Subdomains.

    Hey, Andrea, thanks a lot for your help. I've read some of your tutorials to get this far. Thanks for the quick responses and followups


  13. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Raw, please don't include your website as a post signature.

    Modlook added for this reason

  14. indaflo
    Posted 15 years ago #


    I am having similar problems as others here. So far, I've attempted about 10 installs to add-on domain (hosted by JustHost). I've experienced multiple issues on each install from "misconfiguration" to "no db created" to "misfired experiments" - etc, etc, etc.

    One post elsewhere suggested installing WPMU to a "folder" on add-on domain, then redirect domain to folder in cPanel. I did this, worked great & JustHost support helped with the db issue - and IT WORKED! Then I misfired my subdirectory/folder option - and - WHAM!!! Back to square one. Now, each time I attempt to re-create my successful install, it fails - giving me 500 error misconfiguration - yada, yada, yada... question...has anyone performed this who can create a STEP-BY-STEP (moron-proof, where "moron" is me!) guide to do this? I should note I do NOT have a previous version of WP or WPMU running on my server. So Andrea, does this negate your forum posting on "installing to an add-on domain" and hacking the "wp-blog-header.php" - or - should I still attempt this, too?

    I'm testing CMS on two add-on domains (drupal and WPMU). Drupal was simple, but VERY coder-focused. WPMU w/ Buddypress looks attractive...but seriously...installing anywhere outside of the main root is major PAIN IN THE KIESTER!!!!!!!!!

    Help!!!! (I'm been on the computer so long trying this install, my wife thinks I'm cheating on her with my laptop). Your help might save my marriage (oh yeah...and business)!!



  15. indaflo
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Here was the other forum topic regarding the "domain point" solution offered for add-on domain install for WPMU.


  16. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    "I should note I do NOT have a previous version of WP or WPMU running on my server. So Andrea, does this negate your forum posting on "installing to an add-on domain" and hacking the "wp-blog-header.php" - or - should I still attempt this, too?"

    Nope, that suggestion was for the previous poster. when I checked his site, the "Create a config file" message was displayed, suggesting MU was finding the other WP install. In your case, if you DON'T get that message, install as usual.

    "WPMU w/ Buddypress looks attractive...but seriously...installing anywhere outside of the main root is major PAIN IN THE KIESTER!!!!!!!!!"

    I'll give ya a free tip: it's your host. Seriously. On some hosts, it IS a major pain in the rearend to install MU as an add-on domain. And on some hosts it's not.

    Save yourself a lot of pain, and just pony up the 5 or 10 bucks for a month of webhosting elsewhere to slap MU on. Otherwise, you will be spending far more time trying to fight the software, your host, support and us volunteeers ;P trying to get it to work.

  17. flipus
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Why there are a lot of people that have the same problem i got??? :S

  18. pjrfigueiredo
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I had.

    But, after searching in the forum i have seen a solution that worked for me.

    I cleaned up all my cache files. It worked.

  19. techjockey
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I found my problem with Database and user association.

    The DB user got removed from my DB .

    Add User To Database - To resolve this issue.

  20. nick ellison
    Posted 15 years ago #

    seems a lot of people get this problem then, I had it aswell. I managed to convince hostgator live chat techy to do re-install and set up wpmu for me! So not sure how he fixed it. Still got other issues though. Surely we shouldn't all have these problems...very poor really. Think of the amount of people that just give up and dont use it...There needs to be a much simpler way to install.

  21. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Sorry - how much easier do you want it to be?

    It needs a DB set up before hand and you have to provide the information. It then writes the config files and builds the Database structure.

    What more do you expect it to do? It can't create the DB user or the database itself because if you're on a hosting package this is usually set up for you by the hosting company and you get no choice of DB name or user/password.

    Just sitting there saying its "poor" and "we shouldn't have all these problems" doesn't really help anyone.

    Loosing a user from a database is not something WPMU is doing - deleting a user from a database cannot usually be done by that user - it needs a user with extra privs - which would imply that someone else with privs is doing it.

  22. ashleytemple
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I had the exact same problem, but solved it

    This didnt help me, but this is what i did

    1) create a new dtabase user with ful admin rights

    2) install using the old user, to create all the tables

    3) re install using the new database user


About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by edogg
  • Latest reply from ashleytemple