I've been trying to get this install in all day and have read all the threads on topics like this, but nothing has worked.
Here's what I did:
- Uploaded WPMU to root dir of server
- Created database/user
- Thought I was supposed to upload customized wp-config.php like regular WP
- Realized my mistake, deleted wp-config.php, htaccess.dist and uploaded a fresh wp-config-sample.php
- Got to install page, completed the form with server info, selected no sub-domains
- Install didn't work and goes into Redirect Loop with the following url in my address bar: http://mydomain.com/wp-signup.php?new=mydomain.com
I have tried deleting cookies, the wp-config.php hack, deleting and recreating the database/user, reinstalling WPMU, etc.
Also, I notice in phpmysql that there were two databases created:
* information_schema (17)
Where "XXXXXXXXXXXXX" is my database name (note the "(0)" as in zero tables created on that database and there are 17 tables in "information_schema"............
I have no idea what "information_schema" is and can't seem to get the WPMU install to create the tables (wp_blogs, wp_users, wp_site, etc). None of them appear anywhere.
Trying to install a fresh 2.7 WPMU
phpMyAdmin -
MySQL client version: 5.0.22
Hsphere control panel
I didn't do the wildcard setup. I have read the eBook about 15 times.
Any ideas?
Many thanks,