What are you doing to make money with a WPMU site?
Is everyone just doing it to support their hobby or are ppl actually making money with this? I guess the money is via advertising?
What are you doing to make money with a WPMU site?
Is everyone just doing it to support their hobby or are ppl actually making money with this? I guess the money is via advertising?
If you find the right niche you can run a sustainable business. The trick is finding the right niche. For example, don't plan on making much money off of a blogging site geared towards cars. There are a ton of those sites already out there.
And don't count on just advertising money (especially just Adsense), upsell services.
just curious... what are upselling examples?
One of my clients also does a $25 a month upgrade where the enduser gets her cell phone number and a high and quicker level of support. Everybody else who doesn't get the upgrade goes through the forums and support ticket system like normal.
Edublogs and wordpress.com are good examples where premium services are offered. Some of these are smart strategies because the amount of extra work/resources/overheads going into them is marginal.