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The Complete WordPress MU Site Admin Guide (4 posts)

  1. Farms
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hi Guys,

    Here's a gift for you and your users, we hope you find it useful, our complete WordPress MU site admin guide.

    It covers, we hope, pretty much everything that a new site admin would need and does so in html page and pdf form.

    And, it's 100% completely free!

    We'd love your feedback too on how it can be improved, you can leave it below or on our announcement post:

    Cheers, James

  2. amanzi
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Nice one guys!

  3. mercime
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thank you James. That was an amazing gift to the community plus great marketing for the premiums. You pretty much covered the minute details. Kudos.

  4. Farms
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Glad you like it guys - while some of it is premium related I reckon 80% applies to every install so with luck it's the best of both worlds.

    We're always happy to take requests too :)

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