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updating plugins through wpmu (9 posts)

  1. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I was just wondering about one odd behaviour:

    if I have a very old plugin in use, that seems to have no homepage link, the upgrade link always points to the sidebar widget.
    i.e. I have the apple sidebar trailer widget and on the plugins page below the plugin it says:
    There is a new version of Apple Trailer Sidebar Widget available. View version Details or upgrade automatically.

    while the link to view version goes to:

  2. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Probably because of conflicting names. Not much we can do about it but check the WP Trac in case someone has reported that problem already.

  3. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    there must be a pattern, I've got the problem with at least 5 plugins...

  4. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    after upgrading a lot of plugins, one of my blogs doesn't work anymore. it seems that one blog is using a particular plugin that breaks everything. unfortunately I can't even log into that blog's backend...

    the front page source code says: <!-- Page not cached by WP Super Cache. No closing HTML tag. Check your theme. -->

    the back end source code is just a blank white page.

    any ideas how to proceed?

    after disabling wp super cache, both pages now just contain nothing :-( how could I disable all plugins for this blog? here is the link:

  5. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    oh shit! I deactivated that blog, wanting to reactivate it again, and it seems deactivating means the same as deleting???

    I then go and edit that blog, but if I try to set the deleted flag to no, I get:

    0 is a protected WP option and may not be modified

    what is going on here?

    tried editing wp_blogs to reverse the deleted option but even though I set the deleted flag to 0 it doesn't work :-( and YES, said blog's DB tables are still here, so what am I missing?

  6. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    hello guys, please help! there must be something that can be done.

  7. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Deactivating is not the same as deleted. Does it show up on the edit blog list?

  8. cafespain
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Look in the blogs table on your database for the record for that blog. You want public set to 1 and everything else (deleted, archive, etc) set to 0.

  9. njdove
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I was able to resolve the error

    There is a new version of Widget Name available. View version Details or upgrade automatically.

    by moving the widget from the directory wp-content/plugins/widgets to the parent, wp-content/plugins. In my case, the old Twitter Widget still worked fine, sans fake upgrade notice.

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