Posted 15 years ago #
Hey everyone, if you have a few minutes, it would be great to get some feedback on my new site,
The idea is that at a time when jobs are limited and unemployment has skyrocketed, job seekers need to promote themselves better. In using wpmu, I try to give job seekers tools to facilitate communication about their experience.
Any feedback, good or bad is appreciated. Just be easy on me... :)
nice lookin' home page, great idea to actually HELP people. Nice extra fields on signup, and WOW on the member blogs.
Two thumbs up.
Posted 15 years ago #
Add style to signup page :)
*sigh* Everybody has nicer themes for their home sites than we do. :(
Posted 15 years ago #
Thanks for the comments! Keep them coming! VentureMaker - the style can definitely be improved with the signup page. It's been put on the list.
I'm really liking the home theme. Custom job?
Template Name: Gotham News
Version: 1.1.1
Author: WooThemes
Author URI:
Posted 15 years ago #
I use woo themes. They have simple and clean designs, which I tend to like. I definitely hack them up though.
btw, tdjcbe, where did you see that code?
If anybody cares to register, it would be great to get some feedback on the user experience. I have plugins that integrate with LinkedIn (for resumes), twitter and video (for i-Interview) and i'm looking to make sure it's fairly easy to understand.
It's from the style.css file for that theme.
Do note that that has to be in there for the theme to work within wp/wpmu else the system won;t see it.
The only concern I have with using such themes is from a legal stance. I know one premium theme developer made their licensing so that they couldn't be used within a mu install, even with a developers license. You had to notify them when one of their themes were used and there's no way that can occur within a wpmu install if the theme was set for general usage.
I think I know which theme you mean.
Posted 15 years ago #
tdjcbe, i agree with your thoughts in licensing. I initially approached woo regarding the issue, but then changed course on what we were doing.
Since Jobs by Blogs is a professional site, I only allow one theme, although the user can utilize several plugins. This allows me to make sure the plugins work with the theme and everything looks consistent.
By the way, I was just mentioning it. We have installs with premium themes. They just have the developers licensing or a site license made for that specific install.
Legally, it's doable if you follow the designer's rules.
And if you;re in the camp that every theme is GPL'ed no matter what the designer says...