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Twitter Crossposting in P2 & Prologue (3 posts)

  1. jacob00
    Posted 15 years ago #


    Call me crazy, but with the numerous plugins that enable Twitter crossposting, I have to think this could be accomplished within the postform on P2 or Prologue. This would be excellent for multi-author blogs, for instance, and those not wanting users in the admin panel which is one of the true benefits of P2/Prologue.

    The Commentwitter plugin uses ajax to neatly tuck a Twitter username/password form into the comment post form to make this happen.

    I have to think if this can be done with a comment form, it must be possible with the P2 or Prologue postform, no? Appreciate any input on this idea.


  2. kgraeme
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I haven't used P2 or Prologue, but I see nothing untenable about your endeavor. From the Twitter plugins I've seen, I'd guess you can do it with little to no additional mods.

  3. scotm
    Posted 15 years ago #

    To be clear, the trick is to enable Twitter crossposting from the homepage without allowing wpmu authors access to the admin panel to enter their individual Twitter settings. The P2 post form in combination with a solution similar to the Commentwitter plugin would make this possible.


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