One of my WPMU blogs is having trouble displaying changes, either content (posts) or design (themes, widgets), and it seems to have coincided with my upgrade to 2.7. I was informed by a user that on her blog, recent posts were not being displayed. Upon further review, I can see that it’s not just new posts that aren’t showing up, but other changes to the blog as well: a new theme or new widget in the sidebar, for example.
Here’s a bit more information about the specific situation:
• I’m using WPMU 2.7, and this problem appears to be happening with only one of many blogs (this one: ).
• The April 13th post appears as the most recent, but there are also posts from April 20th and April 27th, which do not appear.
• The query_posts offset option is not the problem (the index.php for the theme doesn’t use the offset option).
• The attributes of the posts which appear and those which don’t (post status, categories, tags, etc.) appear to be exactly the same.
• Another problem, which appears to be related, is that the default post calendar widget displays April, even though we’re in May.
• If I modify the blog’s theme, the new theme does not appear, even after refreshing the page and clearing the cache.
• If I add a widget to the sidebar, it also doesn’t appear.
OK, here’s the weird part:
• If I log in, as admin, and then re-visit the blog, the problems above all seem to go away: The most recent posts appear, the May calendar is displayed, and the new theme appears.
• This solution (logging in as admin) is on a per computer/per browser basis. In other words, if I log in with Firefox, the problems seem to be resolved, permanently (i.e., even after closing the Firefox session and re-opening, and not logging in as admin), for Firefox only. The problems persist in IE or Safari or Chrome, at least until I log in.
Based on the above, my gut is that the problem is either permissions-related or cookie-related, but I don’t have a clue where to start checking.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.