Posted 15 years ago #
A membership set of mu blogs with 2 sidebars. 2nd sidebar is the membership list with links to each member's blog - all in one text widget. Sidebar 2 in Main Group blog get changed when a member changes, and all member's get a copy. Simple but time consuming!
Is there a "global" type variable I can set with the list in it so each member blog changes automatically?
Apologies if this is answered elsewhere, my searches may have been inadequate.
if I udnestand that right, there are plenty of widgets for that showing lst updated blogs, last signed up users or so... have a look at
Posted 15 years ago #
Thanks Ovidiu - I can't see a relevant item over there (except Dummies where I might fit in). What this would be is making the contents of one text widget a commonly available variable. Other blogs on the site with that variable in their sidebar would automatically get the value of the variable.
You mean a global widget?
If (s)he does, Widget Cache has a 'feature' where a widget on one blog will appear with the same content across all blogs if it is in the same location in the sidebar and cached by Widget Cache plugin. It's not MU aware, so thinks that they're all the same. The author would do well, instead of fixing this 'feature', make it a feature and write another version that is MU aware. That, or put in a switch to turn on site-wide for a particular widget in a particular location. Here's a person who will benefit from its current incarnation.
Posted 15 years ago #
Ahhh Haaa! That looks like just the item! But I do not see it doing what I would like. I am using MU. It doesn't seem to pickup the caching of the Main Blog widget and feed that into a subsidiary blog sidebar.
Andrea_r says correctly I would like to use a global widget. I am happy, actually, to use a global sidebar, as sidebar 2 has only 1 widget in it (with text). All blogs get this text so any text change means a copy & paste to all the identical text widgets in sidebar 2.
spherical has it described; maybe I just don't know how to operate it.
Why not just edit the theme sidebar outside the widget area with the text you want to show?
Posted 15 years ago #
OK. Good call. I'll try that -not that I know what / where to do this, but I'll learn ...