Maybe this is the same problem?
I have a wpmu 2.9.2 site with buddypress (http://www.mypet.nl, sorry all in Dutch).
Registration works fine, just the activation mail is not received by users with a hotmail or live account.
Other email addresses get the mail, just not the hotmail/live addresses.
No, im not on the blacklist
Yes, I Installed the plugin Mail From.
Below I copied the source code of the mail.
Can anyone please help me with the following questions:
Is this a WPMU issue or a BuddyPress issue?
Or am I doing something wrong?
Or is Microsoft just way to critical on mail?
Kind regards, Rian
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To: info@rrwd.nl
Subject: [myPet] Activeer je account
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 10:22:14 +0000
From: myPet <info@mypet.nl>
Message-ID: <1c8ee3ca00ce5c7c39bba2fb3cdcac3a@www.mypet.nl>
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Bedankt voor het registreren! Om je account te activeren kun je op onderstaande link klikken: