"if you sign up there are very precise prices listed. "
Put the precise prices before sign up. I know the features and do-dads that you have, but if you want to move beyond the choir of MU users to others who would like your product, they need to know the price beforehand.
Most people don't have time to sign up and activate their email for one CMS just to know what they are getting into. I ask that to expand your market start up the hook and bait before someone has to type a registration.
You don't have to give up all the info up front. But :
"As a site supporter you buy a pack of upgrades. For example, if you have 15 blogs and you buy a 10 blog pack then 10 of your 15 blogs get the “supporter” features. If you want to stop being a supporter you can remove your support and all 15 blogs would be back to free blog accounts without the supporter features.
Pricing starts at US$9 p/month for 10 blogs - that’s less than $1 per blog!"
This is confusing. What are pack upgrades? When I first read it, I thought you had to pay to become a supporter. Free accounts vs. Premium?
This is a great site, and I will sign up. But the initial approach and wording gave me a brain jolt. Just some criticism for your marketing.