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VPS installation with domain mapping, up! (8 posts)

  1. djsm
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thank you folks!

    My first WPMU installation is up and running with the domain mapping plugin after just a few hours.
    I didn't have any experience with VPS/dedicated server/CPanel that's why I was a bit reluctant of installing WPMU on a VPS.
    I finally decided of using a VPS after reading many threads on VPS vs shared hosting and domain mapping plug-in.
    A special thanks to Andrea for the ebook, it helpeded a lot since I didn't have experience with CPanel.


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    * high fives* then!

  3. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    and you're sure the domain mapping works?
    just asking after reading all these threads about domain mapping during the last weeks...

  4. djsm
    Posted 15 years ago #

    *high fives* Andrea!

    Ovidiu: I can be sure after seeing 100+ blogs running without problems.
    So far I got 3 test blogs mapped...

    What I did (gurus out there please check!) :

    I parked the domains via CPanel to the main domain, then I pointed the domains to my own dns servers.
    A small issue: I had to park the domains from WHM/root since the defautl CPanel package that I used for the web account restricted parking to zero domains.
    If you want to use parking, before creating a CPanel web account be sure to create a package and set "Max Parked Domains" to a bigger value (default is zero)

    Important (thanks Andrea!), after creating the tables don't use the domain mapping plugin via admin backend. Go in each blog backend to add the domain, otherwise you won't be able to access the main blog anymore.

  5. xdreams
    Posted 15 years ago #

    > Important (thanks Andrea!), after creating the tables don't use the domain mapping plugin via admin backend. Go in each blog backend to add the domain, otherwise you won't be able to access the main blog anymore.

    i have been shut out of the editing and Dashboard access for anything but the main blog.

    I have emailed some ppl abt freelance help and documenting this process for me, also urs Andrea

  6. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    @Ovi - I know what you mean. I'm about ready to clear some time to try it again myself.

    (I have my own copy I use, but it's based on D's.)

  7. djsm
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Andrea, Ovidiu: did I miss anything?
    How can I be sure that the plugin works?

  8. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Well, if the main site works as expected, and each domain mapped blog displays and you can login to the backend, then yeah - it worked.

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