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Sending registration e-mail working only for some e-mail addresses (12 posts)

  1. gaetanwpmu
    Posted 15 years ago #


    First nice to see this new WPmu forum design!!

    I manually create a new user accounts from Site Admin.

    For some users, e-mails (with login and password) are sent to the new users (using, for example, it works PERFECTLY)

    but for some others, e-mails are NOT sent (people having e-mail address like,

    (and for sure, those e-mails are NOT in the junk box).

    Pretty strange...? Is there something to do in the mailserver to solve that problem for example? Or should i change something in my installation?



  2. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    change your log files - see if the recepient refused accepting those mails? if you're on a blacklist though the recepients might just discard your emails...

  3. gaetanwpmu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thanks Ovidiu for your answer.

    I fact, I've tried to register with my own e-mail address too (type, and I've received nothing.

  4. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    well, like I said, if the IP of your emails server which happens to be the same your wpmu install is on, gets onto a blacklist, might just discard your email. Check your IP here:

    I know its just a guess, so try and check your email logs. see if the outgoing emails went out fine.

    then maybe, ask the support at to help out? dunno if that is an option though...

  5. gaetanwpmu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thanks a lot for your quick answers, really appreciate!;-)

    Yes, I was just checking my website IP on when you wrote your message!;-)

    I'm not on a blacklist (all the spots are green).

    For my email logs, I will ask my webhosting to have them on Monday. Maybe there are some clues on it.

    What is strange too is that I can properly send e-mail from (insted of in WPmu) to other addresses like, when I use Windows Live Mail...

  6. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I just remembered that some email systems actually check if the sender exists, so if your server is refusing email for than use this plugin to change the sender of the wpmu emails: to an email address taht actually exists on your server and check if the emails are now arriving...

  7. gaetanwpmu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thanks a lot! I'm going to try it now!! It could work indeed! I'll let you know after some tests!

  8. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    You may need to do a reverse DNS record for your domain. It definitely has more to do with your mail setup than MU.

  9. gaetanwpmu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I've just tried the plugin, it works very well: e-mails are sent with an other email address.

    I've tied an email address that actually exists on my server, and next with a personnal email address.

    But, I still have the same problem, the and boxes receives the new user registration (login and password), but the and doesn't receive this e-mail. (Really thought it could work!;-))

    So an email sent directly (windows live mail) from to or work perfectly, but sent from WPmu Admin it doesn't work.

    I'm going to contact my webhosting on monday, but unfortunately I don't see what they can do...

  10. gaetanwpmu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    OK thanks Andrea, I've just seen your reply.

    So i'm going to see that with my webhosting. Thanks for your information!!

    Ovidiu, Andrea, thanks & i'll let you know what happen next!

  11. Ovidiu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    you can check the reverse DNS thinggy from the mxtoolsbox too (see link above). btw. can you send an email from wpmu to a box that receives it and check for bad headers or duplicate headers, etc? just asking because I had a similar issue with duplicate MIME headers a couple of days ago...

  12. gaetanwpmu
    Posted 15 years ago #

    On monday, I've checked the reverse DNS with mxtoolsbox. Really nice website, it works well, and it said the reverse DNS was OK.

    So yesterday I ask my webhost, and they solved the problem.
    They had to define a generic sending address e-mail in the mail server.

    If some people have the same problem: i told them to put as a generic sending address e-mail. (where website = name of your website)

    And now it works perfectly with others subscription email addresses!!

    Thanks a lot Ovidiu and Andrea!! Great to see peolpe like you!;-)


About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by gaetanwpmu
  • Latest reply from gaetanwpmu