just a quick question: plugin commander makes its menu (the user part) visible like this:
how would one alter this and make it replace the original Plugins page? Besides the fact that I am not sure if this can work, as I have checked the option to hide the plugins page from the users...
But would it be possible to replace the original page without a hack? Of course if it is replaced I wouldn't mind enabling plguins again via the site admin option.
it seems my prayers have been heard, here is another version, also incorporating support for the supporters plugin (the one from premium.wpmudev.org) :-)
gonna take this new plugin for a ride, right now.
looks good, just some remarks, I have to still test:
- if a plugin is set to autoactivate for new blogs, do users have control over it to deactivate it?
- I'd suggest an improvement: I started autoactivating quite a few plugin, but this has to be done one-by-one, so it woudl be useful, if those plugins could be visually marked so I know where I have to continue and maybe checkboxes os I can autoactivate several plugins in one batch?
also some of the features from this old plugin could be implemented, i.e. the ability to see which blgo has which plugins activated: http://wpmudevorg.wordpress.com/project/Plugin-Manager
- users can unfortunately decide to deactivate plugins that were set to automatically be activated at blog creation so I can't force plugin onto users, except by putting them into mu-plugins :-(
- wpmu plugin manager doesn't work with firestats, at least on my isntall, it gives me a 500 server error when trying to mass activate it for all blgos.
amparo megias
Posted 14 years ago #
When I set on Auto-activate, new blogs havenĀ“t any plugin activate default. I must activate any plugin in the new blog.
Could anyone help me?
I noticed it doesn't work with the bulk create blogs plugin I tried out, in case you happen to be using that or something similar. Otherwise it has worked as expected for me.