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Nowhere (easy) to set global Blog_Upload_Space option (18 posts)

  1. saramerica
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I just spent the better part of an hour hunting down where to change the global "Total space available:" setting on the admin dashboard of our Wordpress MU installation.

    Unless I'm mistaken, there *no* place to change this setting other than going into the database. Is this a bug or a feature?

    And it's not like it's even in any global settings area or database table, it's the blog_upload_space record for the FIRST user ("admin").

    Fine, the GLOBAL setting is the setting for the ADMIN user.. so then why isn't there a blog_upload_space setting on the User page of the ADMIN user?

    Am I missing something here?


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Site Admin -> Options menu.

    It's labelled "Blog upload space" and says 10 MB by default.

  3. saramerica
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Yes, that option is there and easy to find, but changing it does NOTHING to the "Total Space Available" on the Admin dashboard. Changing that value updates the "blog_upload_space" record on the wp_sitemeta table. But changing that value does nothing to the global "Total Space Available" setting. Changing that value actually doesn't seem to do anything.

    As I said, the only way to change the *global( "total space available" (the one reported on the Admin Dashboard) is to go into the wp_1_options database table and change the record for "blog_upload_space" to a larger number. That one seems to be defaulted to 1000MB and when changed, will change the value on the Admin Dashboard and subsequently allow people to upload more files to the website.

    I find it very hard to believe that I'm the first one to come across this obvious flaw or disconnect between the "Site Admin->Options" menu and the database.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    "But changing that value does nothing to the global "Total Space Available" setting. "

    That refers to the total space available left in the blog uploads folder *of that blog*. It's directly related to upload space.

    If each blog has 10 meg, and you upload a 1 meg file to that blog, then that "total space available" will show a 9.

    On the admin dashboard, it refers to the main blog, not the total site.

  5. saramerica
    Posted 15 years ago #

    >On the admin dashboard, it refers to the main blog, not the total site.

    This is incorrect, because we had bloogers who could no longer upload to their blog due to this limitation.

    My point is this -- upon installation, that value (on the Dashboard) was defaulted to 1000MB. We hit that limit, and the ONLY way to change it was increasing the blog_upload_space of the main blog (the wp_1_options table). The "Blog Upload Space" on the "Site Admin -> Options" menu does nothing to fix this.

  6. saramerica
    Posted 15 years ago #

    ALSO, there is NO PLACE IN THE USER INTERFACE to change this value.

    If what you're saying is true, please point me to the location in the UI where I can adjust this value.

  7. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have a couple of questions, as I have double-checked everything.
    Do you have plugins running that affect upload space available?
    Did someone else set up your WPMU install?

    The reason I ask is by default on a brand new install, there is no place on the Admin dashboard ( that says "Total space available:"

    The only thing on any Dashboard is the blog-specific upload space.

    My guess is that whomever set it up for you installed a plugin to control this, and THAT is the issue.

  8. saramerica
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I installed and setup MU here. While I have been developing PHP/MySQL applications for more than 10 years, I do not know Wordpress or Wordpress MU that well.

    >>>The reason I ask is by default on a brand new install, there is no place on the Admin dashboard ( that says "Total space available:"<<<<

    Since the WordpressMU PHP function that displays the "Total Space Available:" and "Upload space used:" on the dashboard is inside the mu.php file in the wp-admin/includes directory, it's native to Wordpress MU and not a plug-in. See the dashboard_quota() function at or near line 268.

    Here is an image of our dashboard at /wp-admin/index.php:

    If I click on the little chevron ">>" next to "Storage Space" it takes me to the "Manage->Media Library->Manage Media" page, if that helps.

    But to answer your question, here are the plugins we have, none of which (to my knowledge) affects upload space:
    Flickr Photo Gallery
    Google Analytics for WordPress
    My Link Order
    Per user Theme Plugin
    Subscribe To Comments

    Any other theories?

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    You're behind in versions. I was looking at the *latest* code which is 2.7.1.

    "Since the WordpressMU PHP function that displays the "Total Space Available:" and "Upload space used:" on the dashboard is inside the mu.php file in the wp-admin/includes directory, it's native to Wordpress MU and not a plug-in. See the dashboard_quota() function at or near line 268."

    This was taken out 4 months ago.

    The feature that is there now is blog specific.

  10. saramerica
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Ok, that's a start. But I'm still asking why the blog_upload_space on user #1 (admin) controls the entire site, and where to change that value other than manipulating the database directly?

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    "But I'm still asking why the blog_upload_space on user #1 (admin) controls the entire site, and where to change that value other than manipulating the database directly? "

    And my answer is still the same - on any of the installs I've tried, it hasn't worked like this. It's not supposed to work like that, and I have no idea why it's doing so on your setup.

    By default, on a new install, the main blog has 10 megs, just like the rest of the blogs. You said yours was 1000MB by default.

    All I'm saying is I've never seen it do this. So why it's controlling the upload space globally on your site, I don't know.

    So you'll have to go into the database again, and jack it way up there.

  12. kingkong954
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm with andrea_r on this one -- each blog's space is represented by that area.

    Not the entire available space to the entire MU install.

    The behavior you're describing is not like anything I've experienced in our MU installs.

  13. saramerica
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Ok, but just to re-iterate, here are the facts:

    1. That value defaulted to 1000MB upon install.
    2. There is no place in the UI to change this value
    3. Once this limit was reached, no other blogger could upload any more images to the site -- i.e. their own blog (therefore, it must be a global setting, somewhere).
    4. The "Blog_upload_space" on the "Site Admin -> Options" does not change this value or limit, in fact, changing this value didn't seem to change anything.
    5. The "Blog_upload_space" on the Admin blog settings page also did not seem to change this value (this value was defaulted to 10MB).
    6. Only by changing the database directly as mentioned above was I able to expand this global upload limitation.

    Now that the site is working again and all bloggers can now upload again, the point is fairly moot at this point. But I suspect that sometime soon, someone else is going to report this bug, so just keep it in mind.

  14. ZKWC
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I completely and totally understand what saramerica is asking! Because I'm looking for the same thing right now.

    Before upgrading to 2.7.1 - back when I was on 2.6 or something or other... There USED TO BE directly on the dashboard a place to increase the total space allowed for each and every blog hosted on MU.

    Yes yes, the default for each blog that is hosted is 10 MB - BUT when my TOTAL space with the main blog is 500 MB and the other blogs are putting in media I need to be able to increase the total space allowed to upwards of 1500MB. And there used to be a feature directly on the dashboard to do this.

    Where did it go?

    I'm running 2.8.4a

  15. ZKWC
    Posted 15 years ago #

    As I said, the only way to change the *global( "total space available" (the one reported on the Admin Dashboard) is to go into the wp_1_options database table and change the record for "blog_upload_space" to a larger number. That one seems to be defaulted to 1000MB and when changed, will change the value on the Admin Dashboard and subsequently allow people to upload more files to the website.

    Sara - I tried going into my database to change this number, but I think some files have moved around since you last posted this and "blog_upload_space" doesn't live in "wp_1_options" anymore.


    Anyone know a fix?

  16. ZKWC
    Posted 15 years ago #

    And another thing I just realized... I used to be able to increase space per blog. The default is 10MB - If I want to be cool to someone and up theirs to 20MB the only way to do that is to increase each and every blog to 20MB because the old option to increase space per blog is no longer optional.

    Like I said, this feature used to be directly on the dashboard for the admin to use on any blog that admin visited. On the admin dashboard, there used to be a space for TOTAL SPACE and when you visited any user blogs there was also a space to individually increase space on a blog by blog basis.

    It would be really great to have these features back again.

  17. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Go to Site Admin -> Blogs. Pick the blog in question and click the Edit link. on the left column, scroll waaaaaaay down the page till you find the "Blog upload space" field.

    you can adjust it there.

  18. ZKWC
    Posted 15 years ago #

    andrea - YAY! Thanks! I scrolled around all night for that thing. DUH! That also worked for "Total Space" too!

    thank you so much!

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