Posted 15 years ago #
Hi all,
I'm really excited about Wordpress MU, but I was wondering if it's possible to include some more control over users. I have some questions that I'd be grateful for any answers to.
1. Is it possible control new blogs so that every request is moderated and approved before going live?
2. Can every blog be forced to use one governing template and theme?
3. How possible is it to set every blog to go live with various plugins like Facebook Connect?
4. Is it possible for users to have the same login across the entire MU network I create?
Thanks :)
1. yes, there was a plugin floating around, I think by dsader if my memory serves me right that offered moderation for blogs
2. yes. either offer a single theme for all blogs, or enforce it later manually while loged in as site admin
3. dunno, don't use that
4. ? once logged in a user is logged in? Not sure what more you could ask, maybe if any user can be treated as i.e. subscriber of every blog?
1. yes, via a plugin
2. dead easy. Drop the theme in the default folder, have only that one activated.
3. Plugin Commander plugin.
4. by default it is.