Posted 15 years ago #
Ok, so I'm brand new to mu and have a few questions that I'm hoping will let me hit the ground running. I already have it installed in running.
I want to create quite a few blogs and would like all of them to have the same plugins running in them when they are created. Is this possible?
Can I create a "skeleton" (template) of how I want all blogs to be, and then they are setup that way by default when I create them?
Which actually brings up a good question. Can I use standard wp plugins, like all in one seo, with mu based blogs?
Thanks for any help!
*sigh* another one of those "I don't feel like searching so I am going to ask you" questions:
- for the same plugins to be automatically activated on new blogs: put them in mu-plugins if they are not in a subfolder, otherwise put them in the usual plugins folder and use plugin commander to set them to autoactivate.
- yes, there are quite a few plugins around to set up defautls for new blogs, i.e. new blog defaults, category defaults
- yes you can
You may want to do some reading here:
Covers all kinds of basic stuff.
Posted 15 years ago #