It appears that there is some name confusion in the registration system. Some functions are looking for registration-functions.php and others are looking for registration.php. I tried duplicating registration.php and naming it to registration-functions.php but this caused
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare username_exists() (previously declared in /path/wp-inst/wp-includes/registration-functions.php:3) in /path/wp-inst/wp-includes/registration.php on line 11
Hate to have to check all files to see which call registration-functions.php but I may. There is a similar problem with admin/upgrade.php and admin/upgrade-functions.php which also manifests during registration.
In wp-activate.php line 4 should be
require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php');
I just duplicated upgrade.php and named the copy upgrade-functions.php and then I was able to register a new user. Some very cool additions in 564. My favorites in no particular order
New registration (once it is working)
Multiple blogs for same user
Users can register without creating a blog
Thanks Kahless, I've fixed that filename rename now!
So it says in feedwordpress 0.98:
// Note that the rss-functions.php that comes prepackaged with WordPress is
// old & busted. For the new hotness, drop a copy of rss-functions.php from
// this archive into wp-includes/rss-functions.php
require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss-functions.php');
if (isset($wp_db_version) and $wp_db_version >= 2966) :
require_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration-functions.php');
To use it with wordpressmu do I alter this to require registration.php?
Should we notify the author of feedwordpress?
To use it with wordpressmu do I alter this to require registration.php?
Have you tried it without changing the file?
I know the rss-functions.php file in both cases comes with version numbers near the top. Have you compared them?