Hi everyone, I have a slight problem that some of the more learned members amongst you may be able to help me with.
I am in the process of creating, for want of a better term, a webring IE one main website with multiple sites / blogs under it
followed by http://www.my-domain.com/your-blog
The problem is, although I read many pages upholding the virtues of using wordpress MU, when I installed it and set everything up, I had terrible problems eg;
1.No registration page or link.
2. when creating a 2nd blog under the main blog, if I used the same title for a page it would not show on the menu bar.( my setup has page titles as a menu bar ) IE Culture, History, Geography etc
3. All sub blogs had no ability to change the header banner img (note: all using the same theme)
4. When using xml sitemap plugin, it only ever picked up the pages or posts of the main website (tried activating site wide, but then it just over wrote what was previously on the sitemap)
5. Similar problem with SEO plug in, it only seemed to work on the particular site/blog that I was working on at the time & would totally ignore all others.
Because the setup I am creating has the possibility of 100+ sub sites/blogs I thought that MU would be the way to go, yet because of the problems listed above I have now had to revert to a wordpress installation for each sub site/blog, which yes it is a waste of storage space having to have so many installations of the same files just in different folders / directories, but it is the only way I have found of being able to achieve what I need to have for each site / blog.
My Site If you check this out I think you will see what I am trying to achieve. If I am missing something with MU then please advise, or would I be better to stick with the method I am now using, although it does involve more work on my part, at least it is fully functional....???
Regards Steve