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sitewide event calendar (9 posts)

  1. robbot
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I am using Event Calendar on the different blogs on a wpmu site. The thing is that I am working on a frontpage that is sitewide and it would be really nice to have a calendar that shows all the other blogs events.

    I was suprised that I couldn't find any information of this, I thought it would be a common thing. But I haven't found anything at all. So, has anyone any experiance with this?

  2. xyzzy
    Posted 15 years ago #

    This would be great to have!

  3. cafespain
    Posted 15 years ago #

    You could have used the Vent plugin (as that used posts to hold the events) and then a sitewide posts plugin to pull them all to the main blog and display the sitewide events on the main site.

    But it isn't available anymore. So I don't know why I'm actually suggesting it, oh well ignore me.

  4. hellojohn
    Posted 15 years ago #

    The Vent Plugin still works with 2.8 (no guarantee) but im facing problems to get the calendar posts displayed, because they are in the future. Has anyone a idea how to get the this? I´m using "sitewide multi widget" to do this.

  5. dni777
    Posted 15 years ago #

    there is some discussion over here about the topic - but no resolution:

    i am quite surprised that nobody has cracked this nut for WPMU

  6. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    The thing is people are only going to write something for WPMU to add features that they want, if the people developing plugins and other code dont have a need for it then it wont happen. Like I'm being hassled a bit to change the forked version of the Wordbook plugin so that it can post to Facebook fan pages, but I don't own a fan page so its of no interest to me.

  7. kgraeme
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Similarly, there are several different calendaring plugins. So one sitewide solution won't work with all calendar plugins.

  8. ancawonka
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm also working on this problem. I've looked at several plugins (including Structured Blogging and the WP Calendar) but I haven't found anything that works the way I'd like it:

    - Events are listed as posts
    - Event dates/times are listed as custom fields on each post, or in another table that allows for association w/ the post.
    - Ideally there's a nice way for people to select dates and times for events
    - Events are aggregated at each blog, and then at the master blog, for a sitewide calendar.

    If any other developers want to collaborate on this, let me know. I'll probably be sharing my code once I get it all figured out, but I haven't developed a plugin before so I don't know long it will take me to turn my hack into a nice package.

  9. cableb
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Any progress on this?

    I've been trying to find a way to use the Event Calendar and Sitewide Tags plugins to aggregate events on the master blog. The trick is, of course, modifying Sitewide Tags so as to copy over the info from the ec3_schedule table.

    However, my skills are quite minimal, so I'm quite hesitant to try anything that interfaces with the database in such a way.

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