I recently transferred my Wordpress MU install from VPS to Amazon EC2.
Everything is working fine, except wp-activate is not working.
If a user signs up for a blog, they go through the signup process and get an email telling them to click a link to activate their account (all of that works fine until they click the link)
Once they click the link it takes them to a white screen.
I checked my error logs and there is nothing to be found that has to do with wp-activate.
When I check my access log, it shows me that someone clicked on the link and it gave a 200 (OK) signal, meaning everything was fine.
But it isn't. In the wp-signup's table it shows that the registration has never been activated, and the user's blog still doesn't exist.
I have since double and triple checked my wildcard domain, and everything looks okay in my Apache Virtual Hosts settings and on my DNS provider's side. All of my previous user's blogs (before the move, when activation was working fine) like
I have stripped out all of my plugins and reverted to a default theme, even installed all fresh WPMU 2.7.1 files. I also set the permissions on all directories and files to 777 (temporarily) just to see if that would get it to work. But no luck.
I have no idea what to try next.