My company (Vocino Labs) recently built a new deployment of the Dine Magazine site on WordPress MU.
I searched the forums and the various plugin sites for a simple plugin that would allow me to do what I wanted: Display the most recent posts across the network in a specific category. You can see what the actual implementation is at the footer-mid area of DineMag.net where the 4 columns are.
Anyway, I found a lot of stuff that almost worked and some stuff that might work but they wanted some inflated (in my opinion) dollars for it, but nothing that was spot on.
So I edited a version of ah_recent_posts_mu that I found to include the content without except while inserting paragraph html, grabbed a bit more from the database and, most important, allows for category arrays.
Downloading, fork it, or whatever, on GitHub.
Here's the call that's being used on the content area of DineMag.net:
<?php muumuu_recent_posts(5, 100, true, '<div class="post">', '</div>'); ?>
Here's the call that's being used on the first column of the lower part where the categories are:
<?php muumuu_recent_posts(5, 100, false, '<li>', '</li>', array('Restaurants')); ?>
The best way to ask me questions is probably via Twitter.