I have just completed my first website using wordpress!! :) This client wanted a blog as part of their website however I have others that don't need a blog on their website.
Is it possible to have a wordpress website without a blog?
Sorry if this has been answered before.
Yes. Just use a Page as the front page.
Or just show one post on the main site, and use non date based permalinks.
:-) a lot of people need to readjust their thinking about blogs: as soon as people hear wordpress and blogging software they think of a weblog :-(
you can do so much more, but I always hesitate to call wordpress a CMS...
CMS = content management system.
WP manages content, ergo it *is* a CMS by definition. :)
And I know what you mean - I think WP can do a *ton* of stuff. I'll never build a static HTML site again.
Posted 15 years ago #
I think the phrase "content management system" encompasses a lot more than what WordPress does. In my opinion it's a content publishing system, not a management one.
see? here we go, I hijacked the thread just by tossing out the words CMS :-)
btw. soon (after the upcoming merge of WPMu + WP) we don't even have to tell people like justaddsalt that they are posting on the wrong forums - to me he sounds like he is talking about wp.
Posted 15 years ago #