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Merging blogs (4 posts)

  1. kvnthng
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Not sure if the title is correct for this question but here goes:

    I am using MU (2.7.1) as a CMS, and I need to be able to have 2 blogs on the main site: 1 for the news section, and 1 for the vacancies section.

    The blog attached to the main site is the news section, which is fine, an I have another blog running which is the vacancies site.

    My current workround is using a theme to make them look the same which works but when the user clicks on a link the active state breaks!

    Is there a way of having them running together?

    Hope this makes sense!


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Pull the feed from blog #2 into blog #1 using feedwordpress. :)

    Depending on future plans, you can also use Donncha's Sitewide tags plugin, which pulls all posts into the main blog (and yes, links back t the original blog)

  3. kvnthng
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hey Andrea

    I've installed the plugin but can't get any futher!

    When i try to enter my source for my feed ( get this error:

    Diagnostic information HTTP request failure
    Could not open handle for fopen() to
    HTTP Transports available:
       1. WP_Http_Streams

    Am I entering the correct feed format? the documentation is confusing!


  4. Driftless1
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I was having a similar problem = and found what appears to be a janky workaround:


    1. Add the blog via the Add New Link menu in Wordpress, assigning it the syndicated category
    2. Open PhpMyAdmin, go to the links table, sort by ID to show the latest link, click edit
    3. Edit the link_rss feed and manually put the feed address in there

    More details at his site. I haven't tested it completely, but it appears to get the job done. (I'm only feeding on one feed... so far so good.)

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by kvnthng
  • Latest reply from Driftless1