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Install Development WpMu on linux fedora PROBLEMS (13 posts)

  1. antonio72
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Dear Wpmu users,

    I'm spending two days, just for installing Wordpress MU. Sorry, but contrary to WP, that's seem at least impossible!!

    I read all the forum post about problems in installation, I read the readme, I read EVERY doc available on the wp-mu site. No progress.

    I really need QUALIFIED help, this please means:
    do not reply with "read this, read that", just post COMPLETE configuration file, (specifically, httpd.conf, wp-config.php, etc..etc.) of a working installation.

    Now, this is what I would like to do: I have a site, and I would open multiple blogs on a subdir like "http://..../blogs", I would like to report directly the command lines:

    1) wget
    2) unzip ....
    3) move wordpress-mu.. blogs
    4) chown -R apache.apache blogs
    5) create a database 'wpmu' in mysql, an a user wpmu with all priviledges on wpmu.
    6) added in httpd.conf
    <Directory "..../blogs">
    AllowOvveride Options FileInfo
    7) If I visit http://.../blogs a page appears with "no config file" and a button "create config file", if I push the button, the file IS NOT CREATED.
    8) If I create the file with the following content:

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define('DB_NAME', 'wpmu');

    /** MySQL database username */
    define('DB_USER', 'wpmu');

    /** MySQL database password */
    define('DB_PASSWORD', '.....');

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
    define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');

    /** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
    define('DB_COLLATE', '');
    define('VHOST', 'no');
    $base = '/blogs/';
    define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '..............' );
    define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/blogs/' );
    define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);
    define('BLOGID_CURRENT_SITE', '1' );

    Fatal Error
    If your blog does not display, please contact the owner of this site.

    If you are the owner of this site please check that MySQL is running properly and all tables are error free.

    Database Tables Missing.
    Database tables are missing. This means that MySQL is either not running, WPMU was not installed properly, or someone deleted wp_site. You really should look at your database now.

    What do I do now?
    Read the bug report page. Some of the guidelines there may help you figure out what went wrong.
    If you're still stuck with this message, then check that your database contains the following tables:

    * wp_blogs
    * wp_users
    * wp_usermeta
    * wp_site
    * wp_sitemeta
    * wp_sitecategories

    If you suspect a problem please report it to the support forums but you must include the information asked for in the WPMU bug reporting guidelines!

    I checked the database, no tables are present, I verified manually that the database is accessible with php, and that the user have the rights to create tables;

    So....please HELP

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Are you installing it on localhost? you can't do that. you need a domain name (evne a fake one) in your hosts file so it is localhost.something.
    Or fries.hamburger, doesn't matter.

    This part:
    "7) If I visit http://.../blogs a page appears with "no config file" and a button "create config file", if I push the button, the file IS NOT CREATED."

    Is a huge sign something is wrong. Do you have other WP install nearby?

    And you can't create the file manually, that adds a whole pile of other issues. And it DOES SAY at the top of the wp-config.sample to NOT edit the file.

    FWIW, I'm running a Fedora box with a few local installs on it.

    Delete the .htaccess file.
    Delete wp-config.php.
    make sure it has a domain name (fake as mentioned above)

    Visit it in your browser. You should see an install screen. If you don't tell me what you do see.

  3. antonio72
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Please I NEED some HELP from DEVELOPERS of WpMu.

    1) I'm not installing on localhost, but I cannot publish on this forum the name of the host.
    2) If I start from scratch and install following the info in README.txt
    the installation produce:

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" >
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>WordPress › Error</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="wp-admin/css/install.css" type="text/css" />
    <body id="error-page">
    <p>There doesn't seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get started.<p>Create a Configuration File</p> </body>

    and stop HERE. If I push the button it does not create a wp-config.php, (I already checked that httpd is able to create a file using php, so the problem is not in the rights).


  4. antonio72
    Posted 15 years ago #


    This seems to be a very SPECIAL issue, related to my configuration.
    Basically, if you have a working installation of Wordpress in the root directory of a server, and you try to install Wordpress MU in a subdir (blogs) it DOES NOT WORK.
    Simply because of the line
    if ( !file_exists( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-config.php') &&
    -problem> !file_exists( dirname(dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-config.php'))) {

    in fact, the wp-config.php file in the root folder (related to Wordpress)
    conflict with the installation of wordpress mu.
    I removed that check and everything now works as expected.

    I had to follow all the code, I'm lucky that the problem was in the very first lines..

    Do I have to consider this a Bug and post it in Track?

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    "Basically, if you have a working installation of Wordpress in the root directory of a server, and you try to install Wordpress MU in a subdir (blogs) it DOES NOT WORK."

    And that was one of the questions I asked.

    And I am a developer.

    No, it is not a bug. Don't file a trac ticket.

  6. wpmuguru
    Posted 15 years ago #


    "Please I NEED some HELP from DEVELOPERS of WpMu."

    I suggest you click the member link under andrea_r's name.

  7. antonio72
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Sorry Andrea, but I read tons of comments on this forum, and most of the people reply with "have you read this or that?...". Now it's obvious that my case is not very common (wp on the root folder, and wpmu in a subfolder), so it is my fault that I've not written from the beginning the overall configuration. Basically I've used wp for a while, and I was just trying to use wpmu+buddypres without touching the main blog. I think that maybe someone can add this "special corner case" in the README.txt of wpmu to reduce the probability that someone else became crazy :)


  8. greeenkaos
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Very helpful post. I had the same problem trying to install WP MU into a sub-domain. The file to edit, btw, is wp-blog-header.php in the root folder. For example, I changed line 10 to
    if ( !file_exists( '') ) {
    [replacing the sub.domain part with your own domain]
    and now everything works as usual.

  9. timnicholson
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have the same scenario where I have a working WordPress installed into root and am wanting to play with WordPress MU / BuddyPress in a folder off of root. I've tried the fix here by editing the wp-blog-header.php in the folder where MU is installed and that doesn't fix my problem.

    My issue is the one referred to above where SOME of the database tables are missing.
    * wp_blogs
    * wp_users
    * wp_usermeta
    * wp_site
    * wp_sitemeta
    * wp_sitecategories

    This is NOT a MySQL problem as I have all the blog-specific tables of wp_1_posts, etc. which were created by the installation script.

    I think the problem must go a bit deeper than just wp-blog-header.php. It would seem that *part* of the install scripts end up checking for the existence of those sames "core" WP files (wp_users, etc.) in the LIVE WordPress that's installed into the server root.

    I don't want to wipe out my core WordPress install mainly because WP doesn't let you "upgrade" a single blog install to MU install. Plus, what if MU isn't what I would like to keep as the live site?


  10. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Are you using a separate database for MU? It needs one.

  11. semky
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'll jump in ankle deep here.
    subject line says fedora.

    so you backup your exisiting site.the mysql part and get one a site at to play with.

    yum erase wordpress

    yum erase wordpress-mu
    delete database wordpress.
    create database wordpress
    reboot maching.
    yum install wordpress-mu
    reboot machine.
    in web browser goto /var/www/html/wordpress-mu
    page tells you to chmod dsfadsklfj
    then enter in the info.

    but still read the instructions. for detail's
    most important part to remember its Fedora. use fedora instruction
    especially interesting is the alias part. cus its installed in

  12. dsims85
    Posted 15 years ago #

    semky do you have a link to the fedora instructions?

  13. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    That's in the post above yours. Do that, then visit your local directory. The instructions he suggested reading were the ones that come with MU.

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by antonio72
  • Latest reply from andrea_r