Well it was stress-free for me at least, you may want to test this in your environment before following these steps - I use VMware for this.
My blog is installed here: /var/www/virtual/blogtown.co.nz/htdocs
Download the files:
cd /var/www/virtual/blogtown.co.nz
wget http://blogs.linux.ie/download/wpmu/wpmu-unstable.tar.gz
tar -xzvf wpmu-unstable.tar.gz
Fix the site upgrade problem:
rm /var/www/virtual/blogtown.co.nz/wpmu-2006-06-19/wp-inst/wp-admin/wpmu-upgrade-site.php
Copy and paste the text from this post (Thanks kahless) into a new file with the same name as the one you just deleted:
vi /var/www/virtual/blogtown.co.nz/wpmu-2006-06-19/wp-inst/wp-admin/wpmu-upgrade-site.php
Fix the 'Incoming Links' problem:
Edit the following file with the fix from this post
vi /var/www/virtual/blogtown.co.nz/wpmu-2006-06-19/wp-inst/wp-admin/index.php
Fix the 'Languages' problem:
Edit the following file and remove lines 25-32
vi /var/www/virtual/blogtown.co.nz/htdocs/wp-inst/wp-admin/options-general.php
Remove the following:
25 <tr valign="top">
26 <th scope="row"><?php _e('Language:') ?> </th>
27 <td><select name="language"><?php language_dropdown( get_option('language') ); ?></select>
29 <?php _e('Language this blog is primarily written in.') ?>
30 <?php _e('In the future, you will be able to modify the interface language in your profile.') ?>
31 </td>
32 </tr>
Copy files to live site:
Don't forget that if you have edited any of the core files, you will lose all your changes, so make sure you can reproduce what you've done. Your custom themes, htacccess files and your config file won't be touched.
cp -R wpmu-2006-06-19/* htdocs/
Upgrade main site:
Go to your site here:
I received the following error while upgrading but it didn't seem to have any other effects (so I ignored it!)
WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'type_status_date']
ALTER TABLE wp_1_posts ADD KEY type_status_date (post_type, post_status, post_date, ID)
WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name 'domain']
ALTER TABLE wp_blogs ADD KEY domain (domain(50),path(5))
Upgrade all blogs:
Go to your site here:
Everything should upgrade OK.
Hope this helps you all, and hopefully I've typed it all correctly. Remember, the best way to test is to run a mirror of your main site in a VMware machine.