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Pass Blog Name To Word Press Loop (3 posts)

  1. paul_fury
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hello, I want several sections on my site home page that each pull the newest posts from my different blogs. I know this functionality isn't built in and I will need a plugin. I'm sure someone has done this before, can someone please suggest a plugin to do this?

    Someone already suggested WordPress MU Sitewide Tags, but all this does is create a new blog with the posts from all blogs. This doesn't help me to display a certain number of posts for specific blogs on the site homepage.

  2. illutic
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Perhaps my latest plugin could help you with that? You can find it here: X posts from category Y.

  3. Farms
    Posted 15 years ago #

    That's a rocking plugin illutic :)

    Reckon you're a serious contender for the 2009 WPMU plugin contest!

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