The MU forums have moved to - Movie Review Blogs (7 posts)

  1. dankb
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I think I posted here a couple months back when it went into Beta. Worked some bugs out, re-designed the front and now here's the official release. Basically hacked WPMU to bits. Had hit and miss luck with plugins. WMUAvatars and Captcha worked fine. Used pieces of the Rummovie and the Wordpress Theme Toolkit. Currently have 18 themes available.

    Now just need to find some users.

  2. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Like your cool scrolling effect. May I know how you did that? Enables you to pack a bunch of links into a small space. Useful web design feature.

    See your URL is different.


    How did you generate that page? Plugin?

  3. dankb
    Posted 18 years ago #

    thanks samchng. the scroller is javascript. you make a div where the overflow is hidden then scroll through that div with the scrollLeft property. i think i figured it out by googling 'javascript div scrollleft' or something.

    the movie_id page i hacked in 'wp-includes/template-loader.php' and 'wp-includes/functions.php' and then modified the query in 'wp-includes/classes.php'. that i figured out by following the trail of how, say, the 'search.php' template is accessed for each theme.

  4. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    So the movie_id pages are all pages and not posts or blogs right?

    Interesting, but how does your site benefit from it and why do you need to implement it? Thanks.

  5. dankb
    Posted 18 years ago #

    no, the 'movie_id.php's are aggregations of posts from different blogs, just like the way 'search.php' of each theme shows multiple posts. each post on criticalblogs has to be tied to a movie. the 'movie_id.php' shows every post tied to each particular movie. look at the 'movie_id.php' for 'the hustler':

    there have been 3 total posts on 'the hustler' on different blogs and they're all shown on the 'movie_id.php'. from there you can click through to the individual posts and blogs.

  6. RummandDan
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Glad you could use my plugin - might I ask what you used of it? :)

  7. dankb
    Posted 18 years ago #

    on the admin/post page it's used to just search for names on imdb - cast and crew. not movie titles, since i want posters to link to the criticalblogs' movie titles pages.

    also on the admin/post page, and again on the search on the home page i used it for 'AKA Search'. i only have one title for each movie in the criticalblogs db, so if someone is searching for a movie title in a different language, for example, it's tough to find. the 'AKA Search' uses your plugin to go to imdb and figure out which movie that is in the criticalblogs db.

    so there's the long answer - more than i'm sure you ever wanted to know. thanks for the great plugin. let me know if i can help with rummovie at all.

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