Posted 15 years ago #
Hi all,
I've managed to install Donnchas Site Wide Tags plugin and it re-posts the latest posts from my sub-blogs on the main-site. That works fine!
What I also would like to do is having some posts with a specific tag to be included in another sub-blog. For example:
On the sub-blog, arsenal.soccerstar.org I would like to get re-posts from other sub-blogs with the tag Arsenal.
Is this possible? If yes, how do I do it?
Kind regards,
Simple way:
Each tag on any blog has a feed. Use Feedwordpress to pull the results into the blog you want.
Although you may want to mark that blog non-public as the sitewide tags would pick them all up again.
Posted 15 years ago #
You are fabolous Andrea!
Great! It works fine so far.
As you said it posted twice on the main blog because of Feedwordpress. How do I make the blog non-public?
Would you like to add me on msn as well? d_bergstrom@hotmail.com
Kind regards,
Posted 15 years ago #
Ok, I've figured out how to make a blog non-public (isn't that bad for search-engine SEO?).
Now I'm having a small issu with how the RSS-feed is shown. I did a test-page on barcelona.soccerstar.org which syndicates posts from kaka.soccerstar.org. But the "read-more" setting on the posts removes when I syndicate the posts so instead the complete posts is shown which I don't like. I'm using Rss Feed 2.0. Is it possible to edit the RSS so it's just generating a specific number of words for each post if the read-more doesn't work?
How about editing the theme to show the_exceprt instead of the_contet?
And yes, marking it non-public keeps it out of google.
But - by having the original blog, plus also in the main blog AND a separate blog for each tag? Kinda overkill.