Hi, There are quite a few topics on this but none that seem to work.
Does anyone else have this problem:
Uploading images (eg image.jpg) works fine, but when i view the site, i dont see the image, all I see is text saying 'image.jpg'. i want to be able to see the ufll image in the post.
I have tried the hacks to the htaccess, but don't seem to work. Some make my site very very slow.
please help !
I just posted an image to my test blog and it worked fine, are you using up to date code or an old version? Can you give me an example url?
i am the build from 06/22/2006. url is matt28.net,
test.matt28.net. please feel free to login and test it, u: test, p:7a37df
the images do not appear, just the text of the image
htaccess file:
There have been numerous fixes since then. You should try today's build!
ok.. does that mean i have to delete the whole directory & reinstall or can i just override it ?
If it's a test install then deleting and starting over is probably the easiest way.