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[plugin: wp sitewide tags] Just another blog? (5 posts)

  1. delayedinsanity
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm not sure if I'm missing something easy here or not, but I really want to be able to pull information from all the blogs hosted on my MU and display featured posts on my front page, as well as include them in my categories section, and really, much more. So I figured the best place to start my research on how to do this would be Donncha's site wide tags plugin.

    I installed the plugin, to mu-plugins/, then activated it via the site admin options. It created the blog, but it's just another wordpress blog with the default first post and everything. I even tried adding a post to my test blog afterwards to see if it only picked up new information and not just old, but nothing happened.


  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Is only picks up blogs marked Public. If you have the Privacy set to block search engines, it also keeps those blogs out of things like Sitewide tags.

  3. delayedinsanity
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I just checked all the blogs (all few of them haha) and they're all marked public. Maybe I'll try uninstalling and reinstalling and seeing if that works. The ol' windows method of fixing stuff. ;)

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Well, that tend sot be overkill in MU's case usually. :)

    So, to recap:
    - it skips hello world posts (I think)
    - it skips non public blogs
    - it only picks up posts from the point of time when you install it, it doesn't go get old posts

  5. jmunn
    Posted 14 years ago #

    I would like to edit the sitewide tags plugin to allow the first Hello World posts to get pulled to the main blog but just spent 45 minutes searching through code with no luck. Any ideas? I don't see anything like "if Post ID = 1 return; " that might be filtering it.

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by delayedinsanity
  • Latest reply from jmunn