I have installed one search wpmu plugin ( http://jason.ungos.com/projects/one-search-wpmu-plugin/ ) on wordpress mu 2.7.1 but it is on working at all...
Plz help me to install this plugin.
I have installed one search wpmu plugin ( http://jason.ungos.com/projects/one-search-wpmu-plugin/ ) on wordpress mu 2.7.1 but it is on working at all...
Plz help me to install this plugin.
i actually moved away from the one-search plugin. i got it working but the results weren't as accurate as i wanted. i ended up hacking the wpSearch plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wpsearch/) to work with mu instead.
You can download the wpSearchMu plugin at: http://welcome.totheinter.net/wpsearchmu/
hope this helps :)