Hi, I've upgraded to 2.8.1 (it says v.2.8.1 in the admin panel footer) but I'm still getting a message to upgrade every time I log in? Did I bork something in the install?
Hi, I've upgraded to 2.8.1 (it says v.2.8.1 in the admin panel footer) but I'm still getting a message to upgrade every time I log in? Did I bork something in the install?
I am having the same problem any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oh I also wanted to include the error message I'm getting when I try to follow through on the upgrade prompt:
Downloading update from http://mu.wordpress.org/wordpress-mu-2.8.1.zip.
Unpacking the update.
Warning: copy(/home/accountname/domain.com/wp-content/upgrade/wordpress-mu-2.8.1/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/update-core.php) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/accountname/domain.com/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php on line 131
Could not copy files.
Installation Failed
Hi Guys,
there is a thread about this http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic/13298?replies=3
and a Trac report http://trac.mu.wordpress.org/ticket/1037
I have the same problem. :)
Thanks kim_nz, I hope someone figures out how to resolve it soon :-)
Same here and got a similar message when trying to re-upgrades sans the "Warning".
I've upgraded the remove remotes plugin to get rid of this message for now, until it's resolved.
You can grab it here:
Me also have same problem.
me also have same problem, better wait for next update.
1. Even after says "Upgrade to 2.8.1" while saying You are using 2.8.1.
2. In the dashboard, I can't select another blog, even I can't see the blogs other than the primary blog.
So I degraded to old one 2.7.1.
This has been resolved. Download and replace the two files list here:
Download the zip at bottom of page
Simptech, Thanks so much. This solved the problem. I already patched my end. Just wondering if a fix will soon come?
Does this fix the problem and allow the upgrade to go smoothly, or does it stop nagging you to upgrade?
I need to run 2.8.1.
This is post upgrade to 2.8.1 (Gets rid of the nag to upgrade after upgrading to 2.8.1)
It worked! Thank you WP and SimpTech :-D
Also tagging this resolved.