I'm building a web site using WPMU. I'm customizing my header.php. What I'd like to have in the upper right hand corner is an area where I identify the user & provide them some administrative links.
If the user is not logged in to the site, I'd like the following to display:
Welcome, Guest | Log-in | Register
If the user is logged in, I'd like this to display:
Welcome, Joe | Log-out
Where the user's name is a link to their profile page.
I've got the style sheet set up & the text is appearing where I'd like it to go. I've got the logic coded using the is_user_logged_in() function to make the test. My problem is I can't find the documentation on how to code the user registration link.
I'm using wp_lgin_url() to retrieve the log-in url & that works. I tried wp_register() for the registration link, but that just kills the page processing right there. So I don't know how I'm supposed to do that part.
Any pointers will be appreciated.