So I read in andrea_r's blog that the "my blogs" button has been removed in 2.8.1 and is in Profile...
Where exactly is that? And how can I get it back?
So I read in andrea_r's blog that the "my blogs" button has been removed in 2.8.1 and is in Profile...
Where exactly is that? And how can I get it back?
My Blogs has been moved to the Dashboard bar to the left.
I said it was removed from the profile area and moved to the menu bar. :)
On the left, just like parkstreet said.
I only see the "My Blogs" link when logged in as an admin user, thoughts?
Upon further examination, this appears to be my problem as well -- only the Site-Admin gets my blogs. Regular admins, even with multiple blog roles don't see it.
And Andrea - sorry for the confusion, but in my panic this did sound a bit disheartening especially when you read "had been" as "has been":
There’s a link under the Dashboard menu item that lists all your blogs “My Blogs” on a separate page. This had been added to the profile page, and is now moved.
Oh, I see what you are talking about. It seems as if users don't have rights to that page. That might be a bug that needs to be submitted if it has not been submitted already. Furthermore, I am not sure if it is because I am using buddypress, which has my blogs in a different location. If you are not using buddypress, then it is definitely a bug.
I'll log in as a user and go double-check.
any luck?
Logged in as a blog admin (not site admin) I still see the link to My Blogs in the dashboard box on the left side. and clicking it still brings me to the /wp-admin/index.php?page=myblogs page just fine.
interesting, are your users local users or ldap users?
@DeannaS, are you using updated files in the trunk by any chance?
I only see the "My Blogs" link when logged in as an admin user, thoughts?
If you are logged in to a blog, as the admin of that blog, then yes - you should only see a list of your other blogs.
If you're not an admin user of that blog... it doesn't make any sense to have the list there.
@ Andrea_r, im not seeing the list of that user's other blogs, the link for "My Blogs" isn't showing up, under a non site-admin account.
Here is a screen shot of a user who has 3 blogs. I can go to each blog, he is an administrator of them all. Notice, no pulldown where Dashboard is for "My Blogs." Anyone?
The Dashboard menu is expandable, like all of the other menus in the admin section.
Expand the Dashboard menu and you should see the "My Blogs" link.
Im aware of how it works, it only does it if you are logged in as a site-admin, not a blog admin, that is the issue.
Strange behavior...
So, I just logged in as a user who has a blog, and privileges on the main blog. When I logged in on the main blog as that user, the "my blogs" button was there. "Yay!" I said.
However -- as soon as I went to "my blogs" -> "user's blog dashboard" the "my blogs" button disappeared - and the the Dashboard button became a single-song button "only one dashboard for you!"
(( @geoffrey - Where did you get that maintenance banner? Is that a plugin? ))
wpmu premium
You might want to check out this bug:
It has recently been fixed in the 2.8 branch.
The fix is a simple one liner.
I made the change, and now when I login as the site-admin I get 2 "My Blogs," and when I log in as a blog-admin, the link doesn't go anywhere.
Boom! Thanks for the sleuthing... that does the trick.
(Quick question (new to this whole 'trac' thing (obviously) but that line appeared on different line numbers in my version... Does this mean I'm even less up-to-date than I should be?)