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Updating WPMU - deactivate plugins? (5 posts)

  1. jtf1117
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Using WPMU 2.8.1 (did the auto upgrade last week).
    The instructions call for disabling all plugins before you upgrade.

    I understand why (in fact, I had a site slowdown associated with one of the plugins after I upgraded) but when you do so, you lose data.

    For instance, I use the mappress plugin, and it works with all WPMU sites. However, if I disable it while upgrading, I lose all maps that I have created. That is at least 1 map per WPMU site.

    Is there a way around this?


  2. ithyn
    Posted 15 years ago #

    You can always upgrade without disabling plug-ins. However, you may run into unexplained errors after the upgrade, at which point you will need to disable your plug-ins and reactivate them.

    If you go to the Tools -> Export menu, you should be able to get a full export of the database before you upgrade. Then you can Import your map data again after the fact. Alternatively, you can go directly into MySQL and backup your data, if you are comfortable with that.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    If you go to the Tools -> Export menu, you should be able to get a full export of the database before you upgrade.

    The Export just grabs post & page content, it doesn't get everything in the database like plugin options.

  4. mercime
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Wasn't aware that when disabling Mappress plugin, database info re maps would be automatically deleted too. In any case, just disable the mu-plugins folder via FTP or cpanel by renaming and from Site Admin Backend, assuming you're using Plugin Commander, disable all other regular plugins sitewide except mappress, then upgrade. Have you contacted plugin author about upgrade?

  5. jtf1117
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I haven't contacted the author.
    Most (or all...) of my plugins are in the regular plugins folder, not the mu-plugins folder.

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