Posted 15 years ago #
Subscribers can see the "My Blogs" link in the nav under the "Dashboard" tab.
Main Admin can see the "My Blogs" link in the nav under the "Dashboard" tab.
Sub Admins cannot see the "My Blogs" link in the nav under the "Dashboard" tab.
This happened when I upgraded... does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!
Posted 15 years ago #
I have Akismet installed and it has "Akismet Stats" in the Nav under the "Dashboard" tab. As a subscriber, I do not get that option, so I can see "My Blogs." But as Sub Admin, I do get that link, and I think it knocks out the "My Blogs" link.
Maybe the Dashboard Nav tab needs to be able to grow to accomodate the Akismet Stats link and any other links that are added under the Dashboard Nav tab?
Posted 15 years ago #
No, that is not it. I pasted in
while a subAdmin and I could not get to the page. It seems that page only exists for users lower than subAdmins?
Thanks for any help.