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LDAP users can't log out (1 post)

  1. carolinemoore
    Posted 15 years ago #

    This problem is also occurring in 2.8.1.

    I just took over management of a Wordpress MU install. I did a test upgrade to 2.7.1 and discovered that my LDAP-authenticated users can no longer log out, either via their Dashboards or via the Meta widget in their sidebars.

    The only place that successfully allows them to log out is a custom login widget on the front page of our blog site.

    All three of these links point to the same logout URL:


    by calling wp_logout_url().

    The custom login widget also has a redirect back to the main page, but I can log out from there with or without it.

    I've asked colleagues at other institutions who use the same LDAP plugin, but they either haven't experienced this behavior, or it mysteriously resolved itself.

    I'm new to Wordpress MU, so I'm not even sure where I should start looking for the problem. I'm currently combing through the login/logout functions for clues. Any help anyone can give me would be very appreciated!

About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by carolinemoore