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Seriously, is this TinyMCE, or Wordpress? (2 posts)

  1. delayedinsanity
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I don't use visual editors. I abhor them, but my wife needs it since she's not fully up to speed with HTML. Everytime I try to go do something for her that she can't accomplish easily in the visual editor, I get frustrated, I mean frustra-aaaa-ted with it, and I'm not sure what to clobber. Wordpress or TinyMCE?

    I'd love to know what's dangerous enough about the following for one of the above to strip it out everytime the visual editor is accessed:

    <div style="clear:both;"></div>

    Everytime. Switching to the visual editor takes that out.

  2. TonyVitabile
    Posted 15 years ago #

    There's a plugin called "Unfiltered MU". When you install & activate it, it will keep KSES from stripping those things out if you're an administrator of the blog.


About this Topic

  • Started 15 years ago by delayedinsanity
  • Latest reply from TonyVitabile