Now that wpmu is "growing up" all of the sudden I have a feeling that there will be an increase in users and installations.
I've been putting off a lot of things related to over the last few months but I have the entire next month off from work so i'll have plenty of time to add features and whatnot. Is there anything (feature wise) that you guys would like to see added?
I also have the domain and have been toying with the idea of making it into sort of a "community blog" for wpmu. However, i'd really like to hear some more ideas for the domain.
Any and all feedback welcome.
Posted 18 years ago #
Hey andrew, I recall you had another thread to gather ideas for building a plugin. How the progress? Or am I old that I forgotten your new plugin. :)
I've put off the plugin untill there is a definite stable release. I'm not a big fan of spending many hours coding something and then have a lot of the base code change. :) As soon as wpmu 1.0 is out and tested i'll get back to work on a plugin.
Posted 18 years ago #
That's great mews :) Thanks andrew.
Been wondering what you were up to. :) I have a huge list of things I (okay, the hubby & I) need to get working on my own MU install - I can share it because I know some of them are ones a lot of people here (and even at wp.COM) are looking for. Like export, for example.
Posted 18 years ago #
Great job Andrew,
What is the profits of membership?
Can we have a invite code to sign up!?
wpmudev was designed so that you only need a user account if you have a plugin, patch, or theme to share. Everyone else can download anything they want as much as they want without ever having to worry about a user account.
If you have something that you would like to upload i'll send you an invite, otherwise there's not much you'll gain from having an account. :)
I'm interested in the list of features you would like added. Since wpmu is finally becoming a bit stable i'd like to start getting some of the nut and bolt type features added (for example you mentioned export). Can you either post the list or email it to me?