Are we going to see hooks for adding code to the Site Admin pages (such as 'Edit Blogs') in the merge? It would be very welcome! I was in the middle of adding some extended options to the wpmu-blogs.php, when 2.8.2 came out... :P
Are we going to see hooks for adding code to the Site Admin pages (such as 'Edit Blogs') in the merge? It would be very welcome! I was in the middle of adding some extended options to the wpmu-blogs.php, when 2.8.2 came out... :P
I've added my own function box to the edit posts page, and its draggable too.
But maybe thats not what you mean.
Heh sort of, but not really. I've added a few dialogs to the edit blogs page, but they're added directly through wpmu-blogs.php (and handled in wpmu-edit.php).
It would be nice to ease upgrades if there was some kind of add_action hook to drop code into the site admin pages. :)
Hmm, pardon me while I eat my words... do_action.
Edit blogs page has "Misc Blog Actions"
add_action('wpmueditblogaction', 'blah');
function blah() {
global $options;
//print_r($options); //just to see what's in $options
echo some html;
Build your inputs(radio, checkbox etc) with $options['whatever_option']
I use the wpmueditblogaction hook in "More Privacy Options" plugin.
Yeah, although I scanned through the files I didn't know at the time I could just look for the do_action()'s to find all the built in hooks. Now that I've done my studying on the Actions API, I've found them all since, and even wrote about it a little haha, Adding your own hooks....
¡Muchas gracias! everybody.
Nice little article
Thank you. :) I'm going to try and write them as I go, and while I know there's already a lot out there, more never hurt anybody. Helps me to learn too.
It does, I keep meaning to write up my snippet of code for the draggable section I added to the edit post/page screen.