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[Plugin: sitemap generator for WPMU] comes out (16 posts)

    Posted 15 years ago #

    please give me feedback if you like, and don't forget to rate it if you enjoy.

    Thank you!

    the plugin url:

  2. mercime
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thank you The plugin works in test install of WPMU with subdomain sub-blogs. Getting a blank sitemap.xml in another test install of WPMU with subdirectory structure.

    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thanks for your report!

    I've fixed it, please update and check again.

  4. mercime
    Posted 15 years ago # just checked out your latest revision. Working great in test install of WPMU with subdirectory structure now. Dozens of pages used for CMS are showing up. Cheers.

  5. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I just tested it... if I call my site url with sitemap.xml on the end I just get my front page, and the robots.txt file isn't touched.

    I'm wondering if its clashing with the feedburner plug in because I keep seeing a on the status line, and I don't get it without your plugin.

    Edited to add: I deactivated that and purged my eacellerator cache and I get a 404 error.

    Nothing in my php error logs either

    This is a subdirectory install.

  6. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    OK I deactivated just about every plugin I could think of that wouldn't break the core functionality of my set up and it just doesn't work.

    I'm on 2.8.2

  7. mercime
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Hi SteveAtty, I just followed instructions in plugin's readme.text. I've more than 20 mu- and regular plugins and theme functions.php installed in the test installations like pagemash, breadcrumb navxt, viperbond's quicktags etc and none conflicted the plugin. I've left a message on developers plugin page re possible conflict with feedburner. Will be uploading the plugin to working installs next week and keeping my fingers crossed :-)

  8. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    OK if I try /sitemap.xml I get a 404

    if I try index.php?feed=sitemap I get a feedburner error.

  9. mercime
    Posted 15 years ago #

    SteveAtty: I don't know if you're installing it for . Just in case you were, forgot to mention it earlier, I checked out the day before and it was working so I thought it was OK till your other post. Now, I see the 404 page.

  10. gnetworkau
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I tried this promising plugin on MU install with Donncha's Domain Mapping, and it doesn't work properly, parsing errors, Sitemap shown for 1 site, but it was for the wrong site. Uninstalled it, I suspect it is conflicting with Domain Mapping rewrites.

  11. SteveAtty
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I am mercime, I never managed to get a sitemap to display but I think thats because its forcing it out as a feed and it was being grabbed by FF and thunderbird tried to load it and it got upset.

    I tried it from Opera and I get an XML parse error.

    I've tried submitting it to Google Webmaster Tools and it reports:

    We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting.

    Reported that at line 562 which is where Opera says it has a problem with an unexpected end-of-file.

    Now I've told FF not to use thunderbird for feeds FF now shows:

    XML Parsing Error: no element found
    Line Number 562, Column 8:		<loc>

    All of that is with feedburner turned off

  12. dannomatic
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I installed it on a new site Gold Talk Live but I am getting an error in Google Webmaster Tools. It's including the subdomains in the main site map at Gold Talk Live. Is there a way to correct this?

  13. schpet
    Posted 14 years ago #

    If you run multiple domains, this is my fix:
    in 'feed-sitemap-for-wpmu.php' around line 27 replace:

    $blogs = $wpdb->get_results(
            "SELECT blog_id, domain, path, last_updated FROM $wpdb->blogs
                AND public = '1'
                AND archived = '0'
                AND mature = '0'
                AND spam = '0'
                AND deleted = '0'
                ORDER BY last_updated DESC");


    $siteurl = get_option('siteurl');
    if(substr($siteurl, 0, 7) == 'http://')
        $siteurl = substr($siteurl, 7);
    if(substr($siteurl, 0, 4) == 'www.')
        $siteurl = substr($siteurl, 4);
    if($siteurl[strlen($siteurl)-1] == '/')
        $siteurl = substr($siteurl, 0, -1);
    if(strlen($siteurl) > 0){
        $blogs = $wpdb->get_results(
            "SELECT blog_id, domain, path, last_updated FROM $wpdb->blogs
                WHERE domain = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($siteurl) . "'
                AND public = '1'
                AND archived = '0'
                AND mature = '0'
                AND spam = '0'
                AND deleted = '0'
                ORDER BY last_updated DESC");
    } else {
        $blogs = $wpdb->get_results(
            "SELECT blog_id, domain, path, last_updated FROM $wpdb->blogs
                AND public = '1'
                AND archived = '0'
                AND mature = '0'
                AND spam = '0'
                AND deleted = '0'
                ORDER BY last_updated DESC");
  14. adrianford
    Posted 14 years ago #

    for me, using domains (two) and subfolders (both /blog/) the following worked a treat, instead of the above:

    $siteurl = addslashes( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );
    $blogs = $wpdb->get_results(
    	"SELECT blog_id, domain, path, last_updated FROM $wpdb->blogs
    		WHERE domain = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($siteurl) . "'
    		AND public = '1'
    		AND archived = '0'
    		AND mature = '0'
    		AND spam = '0'
    		AND deleted = '0'
    		ORDER BY last_updated DESC");

    hopefully this might help someone in my position

  15. edholden33
    Posted 14 years ago #

    hmm. I tried both of the above code changes and still get this in firefox:

    XML Parsing Error: no element found
    Line Number 667, Column 8:		<loc>

    When I go to the same link in IE, I get the Sitemap header, but no posts/pages.

    Any suggestions?

  16. tdjcbe
    Posted 14 years ago #

    Give the actual link to the sitemap in question?

    As an aside, wpmu should be installed within the root, not a subdirectory. You will run into problems.

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  • Started 15 years ago by
  • Latest reply from tdjcbe