Yes I have the dreaded blank screen of death. I've looked through the forum for this and while I found some posts about it, they're not quite answering the problem.
I upgraded my site from the stand alone WP to MU last week. Everything was going perfect for the last week. I was posting, adding media etc and when I went to change to another section of the admin i got a blank screen. So far I only have the main blog and 1 sub-directory blog. Loads of posts in the que for the sub with loads of content.
I ran into the default size limit for uploading a few days ago so I increased the limits. Still everything was fine until this evening. The only thing I did differently was add two link exchanges with a colleague of mine. But then I went back to uploading and posting.
I do have an email into my host in hopes that they can see something I can't.
Any ideas would be most appreciated.