Are there different hooks for MU than for normal wordpress? I'm writing a plugin that requires a configuration screen on the individual blog-owners' admin menu, and the normal set of functions I use for that don't seem to work.
function dwr_add_menu() {
add_options_page('Plugin Settings','Plugin Settings', 8, __FILE__, 'dwr_opts_page');
function dwr_opts_page() {
The goods represented by "..." never show up as a sub-page of Options the way I'd expect them to. What am I supposed to know here?
Also (second question)--is there a function to get and and set site meta fields? I see the wp_sitemeta table, which is the perfect place to put the config stuff from this plugin, and I'm not above using $wpdb to get and set it, but if there's already a tag, I'd love to use it.