I'm new to mu and I just did two version 2.8.2 installs on my account in two different domains. These are the first time I have tried this with mu although I'm very familiar with WordPress. One works and one doesn't but I don't know what I could have done differently. I have the settings in each one set to the same thing.
I also added the BuddyPress plugin and themes.
In the one that does not work, which is the first one I installed, what happens is that when you click on the Create Blog link you end up on your profile page instead.
It will not go to the create blog screen no matter what.
I've deleted the database tables and have re-installed. I've re-uploaded all of the files. Still the same weird thing happening.
I'm just using the subfolder like /blogs/membername not any fancy domain mapping or anything.
I could sure you some help to figure this out. Thanks in advance.