I may have missed something so sorry if I'm repeating, but I have scoured the net the best I can and for the life of me I cannot come up with an answer.
What I am thinking is this.....WPMU let's you "Add Video" through the default "Add Video" button....however the default doesn't have an "Embed Video" function which means that I need a 3rd party plugin to embed the already uploaded video?
I just recently saw a screenshot of the same window (can't remember where I saw it) that once you upload the file it gives you a few extra options such as video size, player type, etc....it was the same window because it still had the "From Computer", "From URL", "Gallery", "Media Library" tabs at the top.
I'm probably missing something, but does anyone know of a way to embed the video that integrates with the default "Add Video" function (so upload the video first...not a short code). I've got the pb embed flash, the Kaltura, the viper, the wordpresscom-video-server, wordtube. Most of them are either too hard to configure or they just don't work with WPMU 2.8.2. The viper one works fine but there is no way to define a Preview Image.
Any Ideas?
Courtney Bostdorff