I'm new at this.
I've searched the FAQ's and forum and cannot find the answer to this.
All my site URL's have the following format: http://adventuresportnq.info/wordpress-mu/
How can I configure my site to get rid of the unnecessary wordpress-mu part of the URL?
You need to move your site from /wordpress-mu folder to the document root (the folder that /wordpress-mu/ is in.
Thanks Rohan,
If I do that will I also need to alter all my permalinks?
Posted 15 years ago #
How exactly do you move "the site"? I went into my sites "wordpress-mu" folder and moved all of its files to the same location where the wordpress-mu file is located. That just resulted in an error. My site is http://www.cheetahvillage.com
Thanks in advance!
You also have to change the URLs in the database. If you have phpmyadmin, go in there and search. Then change all you find.